The Order Government

Grand Master HIRH Karl von Habsburg
Deputy Grand Master HIRH Georg von Habsburg
Procurator Baron Vinzenz von Stimpfl-Abele
Chancellor Honorarkonsul Senator h.c. Dr. Stefan Schermaier
Vice Chancellor GenMjr iTR ObstdhmfD Michael Blaha, MSc
LAbg. a.D. Mag. Gerald Ebinger
Honorarkonsul Graf Marcus Paar
Justitiar Mgr. Michael Heres
Dean of the Order Academy Honorarkonsul Dr. Peter Harold
Treasurer Dr. Michael Fazekas
Order Marshal Senator h.c. Thomas Bernhard v. Schrempf
Ceremonial Bgdr Mag. Wolfgang Spalj
Secretary HR Dr. Paul Ertl
Deputy Treasurer Gernot Przestrzelski, MBA
Special ambassador for southeast Europe Honorarkonsul Senator h.c. Prof. OMR Prim. Dr. Günter Nebel
Special representative for partner contacts Senator h.c. Wolfgang Krenn
Special representative for contacts with business and politics Univ. Lektor Dr. Manfred Hasenöhrl
President of the Dames Baronin Mag. Gabriela von Stimpfl-Abele
Capitular for intercultural agendas Romano Bolković, MA
Special representative for Spiritual Issues Mag. iur. Stefan Stöger, LL.M.