Grand Master | HIRH Karl von Habsburg |
Deputy Grand Master | HIRH Georg von Habsburg |
Procurator | Baron Vinzenz von Stimpfl-Abele |
Chancellor | Honorarkonsul Senator h.c. Dr. Stefan Schermaier |
Vice Chancellor | GenMjr iTR ObstdhmfD Michael Blaha, MSc
LAbg. a.D. Mag. Gerald Ebinger Honorarkonsul Graf Marcus Paar |
Justitiar | Mgr. Michael Heres |
Dean of the Order Academy | Honorarkonsul Dr. Peter Harold |
Treasurer | Dr. Michael Fazekas |
Order Marshal | Senator h.c. Thomas Bernhard v. Schrempf |
Ceremonial | Bgdr Mag. Wolfgang Spalj |
Secretary | HR Dr. Paul Ertl |
Deputy Treasurer | Gernot Przestrzelski, MBA |
Special ambassador for southeast Europe | Honorarkonsul Senator h.c. Prof. OMR Prim. Dr. Günter Nebel |
Special representative for partner contacts | Senator h.c. Wolfgang Krenn |
Special representative for contacts with business and politics | Univ. Lektor Dr. Manfred Hasenöhrl |
President of the Dames | Baronin Mag. Gabriela von Stimpfl-Abele |
Capitular for intercultural agendas | Romano Bolković, MA |
Special representative for Spiritual Issues | Mag. iur. Stefan Stöger, LL.M. |