At the Andreas Hofer memorial service on February 17, 2019 in Aufhofen, near Bruneck, the Order of St. George was also represented by our Honorary Procurator Norbert Freiherr van Handel. The excellent organisation by Captain Johann Winding of the Anton Steger Bruneck marksmen’s company ensured that the event ran perfectly.
The Tyrolean marksmen set – as already before with the installation of the relic of the Blessed Emperor Charles in the Marksmen Chapel (“Schützenkapelle”) at the “Kronplatz” – a clear sign of their readiness to preserve their freedom, to defend the national unity and to remain faithful to the Lord God with the help of His saints and blessed ones, as in Andreas Hofer’s time.
After short speeches in memory of Andreas Hofer, the document “sub auspiciis” of our grandmaster, limited to three years, was presented. The event was as atmospheric as it was historically significant and, above all, supported by comradely fraternity.
At the end Captain Winding presented the medal “BEATE CAROLE E DOMO AUSTRIAE O.P.N. A.D. MMXVIII” for freedom, national unity and just peace to the Honorary Procurator.
A homey finale in a warm atmosphere with excellent white sausages and beer strengthened the solidarity of the shooters with the Imperial House and the Order of St. George.