On June 18, 2021, the Enquete of the Order of St. George – A European Order of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen – “Christian Values as the Root of European Identity”, organised and coordinated by Capitular Richard Allum, took place in Lilienfeld Abbey, during which this so important topic was examined from different angles.
Photo from left to right: Chancellor Stefan Schermaier, Bishop emeritus Klaus Küng, President of AKV Matthias Tschirf, Chairwoman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Order Academy and moderator of the Enquete Silke Vollenhofer, host Abbot Pius Maurer OCist, Procurator Baron Vinzenz von Stimpfl-Abele, Military Dean Stefan Gugerel and Günter Fuhrmann. Photo credit: Matthias Dolenc
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